Joan Barceló

Welcome! I am an assistant professor of political science at New York University Abu Dhabi. My research interests are political violence, intergroup conflict, and postwar political dynamics.

My work has appeared or will soon appear in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Nature Human Behavior, American Political Science Review,  Journal of Politics, British Journal of Political Science, Political Science Research & Methods, International Studies Quarterly, and Research & Politics, among other journals.

You can find my Google Scholar profile here and my CV here.

Prior to starting at NYUAD, I obtained a PhD from Washington University in St. Louis' Political Science Department in 2019. Before completing my PhD, I interned at the United Nations – ESCAP in Bangkok in 2013 and stayed as visiting graduate scholar at NYU Shanghai (2014), the Nuffield College at the University of Oxford (2017), and the University of Mannheim (2018).

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